Wiener Meisterkurse Festival

Alumni Concert
18.01.2025, 10:30 | Alumni of Martin Hughes' WMK class perform a piano recital at Bösendorfer Salon in Vienna Musikverein. In co-operation with Bösendorfer Pianos.
Piano Recital Artist in Residence
30.07., 19:00 | Martin Hughes, Piano
Lecture Concert
25.07., 19:30 | Schubert's Whereabouts, or: "Der Träume Wirklichkeiten"
Georg Klimbacher, Bariton
Oliver Woog, Guitar and Lecture
Opera Studio Performances
20.07., 16:00 & 21.07., 17:00 | Roberta Invernizzi, Baroque Opera Studio: Henry Purcell - Dido and Aeneas (semi-staged)
Young Artists Concerts
Festival of the Participants of Wiener Meisterkurse 2024
10.07., 19:00 | István Vardai, Cello
11.07., 19:00 | Eszter Haffner, Violin
13.07., 17:00 | Claudia Visca, Lied, Oratorium, Oper
15.07., 19:00 | Ewa Pobłocka, Piano
18.07., 17:00 | Lucie Robert, Violin & Jeffrey Cohen, Piano
19.07., 18:00 | Wladislaw Winokurow, Violin
20.07., 19:00 | Francisco Araiza, Lied, Oratorium, Oper
24.07., 19:00 | Martin Hughes (1), Piano
25.07., 17:00 | Anna Malikova, Piano
28.07., 11:00 | Jörg Birhance, Conducting Haydn - Berg - Wellesz (WienSinfonietta)
28.07., 16:30 | Henja Semmler, Violin
31.07., 19:00 | Snezana Stamenkovic, Lied, Oratorium, Oper
02.08., 19:00 | Stephan Möller, Piano
03.08., 19:00 | Martin Hughes (2), Piano
08.08., 16:00 | Miklós Perényi, Cello
09.08., 18:00 | Félix Dervaux, Horn
11.08., 17:00 | Valdimir Kharin, Piano
If not indicated otherwise, the Festival Concerts of EMIV Wiener Meisterkurse take place in the Chamber Music Hall of the Jugendstiltheater at Otto-Wagner-Areal, Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Vienna.
The entrance is free, a donation of 15 EUR for the EMIV scholarship fonds is kindly asked for.
The concert schedule is subject to short termed changes; please check this website in time.
If you want to be regularly informed about our concerts or any changes of schedule, please write us an email.